Alone we are smart. Together we are brilliant.
Choosing stock market as a first source of income is a worrisome decision. The need to offer stock trading education to people came out as a daunting experience of losing money in the stock market. Investing and trading in the Stock market is not a cup of tea for everyone.
Low Batch Strength
Basic To Advanced Level Course
Doubts Clearing Sessions
Live Trading Session
Lets earn from stock market together
Experienced Trader
You get to learn from an Stock Trader with more than 15 years of experience in stock market
Real Trading Knowledge
We don’t teach what is available in books but we teach a real way to trade that gives result in live trading environment.

Harry Sir has been trading in the stock market from last 14+ years and has witnessed major Bull and Bear market.

Skilled Trainers
Thousands of students have benefited from his seminars on stock market, Futures & Options market, price actions, and in advanced concepts

Download & Read Brochure
Download our Brochure , Read it carefully. All the answers to your questions are provided in the brochure.
Register & Enrollment
Complete the registration process by paying the amount of registration, and take a screenshot of the successful payment.

Send the screenshot of successful payment on WhatsApp (+91-84688-11500)
As soon as your payment is verified, you will receive details of your assigned Relationship Manager

Commonly Asked Questions
Have a look of following FAQs, if you have any queries related to our services and courses.
How long will the training go on for ?
6 Months. You will have 16 theory classes for Weekday Batch and 8 theory classes for Weekend Batch. (It will be done in a period of 4-5 weeks). Both batches will have same number of training hours. After you complete your theory classes, you will have doubt clearing sessions and also other special sessions regularly.
How can I contact after paying the fees ?
Kindly send a screenshot of your payment confirmation & your email address & phone number used while making payment. A client manager will be assigned to help you in every aspect of you journey with us. You can also always call us on “84688-11500” & mail us at “support@kingresearch.co.in”
Is the Training Beginner Friendly ?
Yes, we have designed the mentorship program in such a way that it takes you from very basics to advanced levels in a very simple and clear language that even a school child can learn with no prior financial knowledge, so that you won’t feel left out.